Welcome to Your Friendly Hacker (yourfriendlyhacker.com). The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only. By accessing and using this website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, please refrain from using the website.
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While we strive to provide accurate, up-to-date, and valuable information on cybersecurity, bug bounty programs, and related topics, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the content provided on this website. The content is subject to change without notice, and we cannot guarantee that the information is free from errors or omissions.
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The content on Your Friendly Hacker is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are not responsible for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on any information contained in this blog. Always consult a professional for specific advice tailored to your individual circumstances.
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6. Cybersecurity and Bug Bounty Programs
The information related to cybersecurity vulnerabilities and bug bounty programs shared on this website is provided with the intent of raising awareness and educating readers. The execution of any hacking activities or penetration testing should always be done legally and ethically, with appropriate authorization from the relevant parties. Your Friendly Hacker does not encourage or condone any illegal activities, and we are not responsible for any misuse of the information provided.
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9. Contact Information
If you have any questions about this disclaimer or need further information, feel free to contact us at yfhackerinfo@gmail.com.
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Last Updated: February 26, 2025