How to Download Kali Linux

How to download kali linux


Before Learning about how to download kali linux lets get some knowledge about the operating system. Kali Linux is an industry standard operating system that is been used by ethical hackers, penetration testers and cybersecurity professionals from all over the globe. Be it a professional or a beginner kali linux is preferred by them. If you are looking to get into hacking, Cybersecurity or network security, Kali linux is the one stop solution for you. It will provides you with all the range of tools in one powerful, customizable package.

  • From vulnerability Scanning to network sniffing – Everything in one place
  • Tools used to perform brute force attacks and password cracking are also included.
  • It is a tool that every security expert should have.

If you  are looking to learn hacking or cybersecurity, try kali linux for free and take your skills to the next level. So, I guess you have already made up your mind and want to learn how to download kali linux.

The first step for any aspiring cybersecurity professional or a beginner who wants to learn all the required skills to start penetration testing is to download the Kali Linux OS on their system. In this article, we will guide you through all the procedures in a simple way in order to help you in downloading Kali Linux, setting it up and going through some of its features. Also, in case you are just starting out with linux, we will help you get the best deals and resources for Kali Linux!

Requirements to Install Kali Linux

What is Kali Linux?

The first question that might pop up in your mind is what is kali linux? Well Kali linux is the ultimate toolkit for ethical hackers and security professionals. Basically it is an operating system designed for digital forensics, cybersecurity, penetration testing ,network security and ethical hacking Purposes. Kali linux is a debian based linux distribution, also its an open source project that allows the flexibility for users to modify kali linux based on their needs.

What Makes Kali Linux Unique?

Packed with Security tools

The Kali linux OS is packed with more than 600 advanced security tools. some of the examples of security tools in kali linux are:

Metasploit, its mainly used for the purpose exploiting vulnerabilities

  • Metasploit – It is mainly used for the purpose exploiting vulnerabilities, you can easily develop and execute exploits using the tool.
  • Nmap – Nmap is a tool used for the purpose of scanning a network, basically its used to identify devices and vulnerabilities present on a network.
  • John The Ripper – Basically its a tool for cracking passwords, you can also use it to test the strength of a password.
  • Wireshark – Wireshark is a tool for analysing a network protocol which helps to capture and analyze network traffic.

Live Boot Capability

One feature that sets apart kali linux from other operating systems is its live boot capability, which makes it possible to run it from a USB directly or through a virtual machine. Hence, making it possible for professionals to carry the security toolkit where ever they go.

Made for Ethical Hacking

Unlike other operating systems, Kali linux is designed to test security defence of a system or network. Basically Kali linux os is made so that we can simulate cyberattacks, access vulnerabilities in systems and network and for the purpose of strengthening of security against real world cyber threats.

Great Privacy

The biggest concern for any security professional or a beginner is to stay secure on the system by being anonymous for their own privacy. This is possible with kali linux as it includes tools like Tor, Proxy Chains and Anonsurf which helps in anonymous browsing and encrypted communications.

Open source

Kali Linux is an Open source Operating system. Its free to download. you can modify according to your needs and use it without any restrictions for ethical means. The very reason that it is an open source OS makes it accessible for students and professionals alike.


The best part about the Kali linux OS is that the developers update the system from time to time, making sure the system is always secure to use and always up to date with the latest cybersecurity trends and tools.


With a huge number of professionals using Kali Linux OS on a day to day basis making it a vast online community for sharing resources. You will always find a solution if you are stuck in a problem regarding the Kali linux os. It won’t be tough to get tutorials, forums or guides during your learning journey, be it regarding the OS or learning about the tools and its working.

How to Download Kali Linux

Downloading the Kali Linux operating system is a simple process. I have provided a step by step process, so here’s how you can download kali linux:

Step 1: Visit the official website of Kali Linux

You can also click on the Link here to visit the official website :

Step 2: Click on Download

How to download kali linux

Click on the Download Button on the Home page of the Kali Linux Website.

But before that, Just to remind you Kali Linux provides various versions of the OS for different platforms like 32-bit, 64-bit, ARM, etc.. So be sure to download the correct version for your system.

In case you don’t know the version you are using.

To check your Windows OS version:

Click on Start on your Desktop, Click on settings, then select system, finally click on About. Now observe the Os version under Specification for 32- bit or 64- bit

Click on Download

Step 3: Download the file for Virtual Machines


As soon as you Click on the Download button, a bunch of options will pop up for you to select. You can go ahead and select Virtual Machines as going forward we will install the kali linux OS on the Virtual machine. So now, you will have a options to download the file for a bunch of Virtual Machines. The best option that i would suggest is to either install VM Ware or VirtualBox for you.

The one that i Recommend Highly between the two is VMWare. So, go ahead and Download the file on your device.

How to install Kali Linux


In the next blog, we will learn how to install Kali Linux on a Virtual Machine, with a step to step guide that you can follow to install the Kali Linux on your Virtual machine.

We will also learn how to Download Install and use Virtual Machine like Virtual Box or VMWare in our future Blogs Here.

Untill then you can take our Linux basic Quiz Here

To learn how to use Kali Linux for Pentesting and solving CTF’s, Watch my video Walkthrough’s Here

Learning Resources

If you are starting out with kali linux and want to Learn the Basics of Kali Linux to accelerate your learning, You can go through a list of recommended resources.

These Resources can help you level-up in your Ethical Hacking, Penetration testing or Cybersecurity career.

Linux for Beginners ( Dive into this top rated amazing book to get started with Linux Basics)

Linux Basics for Hackers (Learn the basics of linux Required for every hacker)

The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction / (Learn the basics about the Linux command line)

Linux Fundamentals by Coursera (Enroll for free in this top rated Course by coursera)

Start Kali Linux, Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (Free Course to get started in Kali linux and Ethical Hacking)

Ethical Hacking – Kali Linux Fundamentals (Free Course to learn about the kali linux fundamentals)

Ethical Hacking – Kali Linux Fundamentals – (Free Linux Command Course to get Started)

Mastering Linux: The Comprehensive Guide (Not a Free Course, but you can learn a lot about linux for a small fee)


Kali Linux is the ultimate tool for everyone who wants to get into Cybersecurity, Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing. So, there’s no need to wait anymore. Go ahead Download Kali Linux on your system right now. In the upcoming Blogs we will learn to install and will set up the Kali Linux OS on a Virtual Machine. In the mean time do check out the resources i have recommended and gain valuable Knowledge to become a pro in no time.

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